The October Selection: 3 Artists We Love


Kristen Abbott is a mixed media painter living in Boulder, CO. She enjoys making marks and building up layers in her work with unconventional tools such as brooms, scrapers, and kitchen utensils. Her process is deeply influenced by spending time immersed in nature. Her paintings are guided by embodied emotion as well as thoughtful intention. She is always seeking the balance between spontaneous and planned elements in her work. Because our lives are loud, Kristen wants her work to feel like a small pause. A deep breath. Not one more thing adding to the noise, but a reminder to slow down and notice the Beauty in quiet and fleeting moments.


Vanessa Torres is an artist and digital designer born and raised in New York with a long dedication to the visual arts. Vanessa’s vibrant and edgy work reflects art and realism. As an artist Vanessa works with acrylic and oil on canvas as well as mixed media on canvas. Her inspiration is creating bright and stimulating art for any age group, in hopes that they can relate and appreciate visual art in a world where everything is now digitized. Her realistic style has identified her as being able to bring other people’s memories to life.


Duran’s work focuses on color field abstraction. Her studio practice is an extension of her spiritual and meditative practice. Meditation became a huge part of her life after suffering from sleep paralysis and insomnia for many years. Her intention was to become a figure painter but the meditation practice allowed her to explore physics of the universe resulting in her abstraction work. Her focus is on the vast ethereal, metaphysical and physic’s of the universe. Translating the vibrational energy of things into paint on canvas.


Inside The World of Whirl & Whittle


The Inter-Connected Contemporary Female Form with Anne Mei Poppe